Emerald Person Batch File Format
The Person CSV batch file is a list of records with seven (7) fields separated by commas. The fields are: Name,FirstName,MiddleName,LastName,Gender,DOB,Country
- First line of the file is header row (Name,FirstName,MiddleName,LastName,Gender,DOB,Country).
- Each line of the file is one record (details of one individual).
Note: For each record, you can choose to check either First Name and Last Name or Name.
Specific to checking First Name and Last Name
- Each record contains up to six (6) values, which are ,FirstName,MiddleName,LastName,Gender,Date of Birth,Country
- Name must be left blank
Specific to checking Name
- Check Name only if you are checking a person with a name that has:
- One name only (a mononymous person, e.g. Pele, Suharto, Goodspaceguy), or
- Multiple names but no distinction between first, middle and last names (e.g. U Thant)
- Each record contains up to four (4) values, which are “Name,,,,Gender,Date of Birth,Country”
- First Name, Middle Name and Last Name must be left blank
Note: When both First Name/Last Name and Name are entered and Name is Latin/Roman, the Name is ignored and only First Name/Last Name are scanned but, when the Name is Original Script (Non-Latin/Roman) the result includes profiles matched with First Name/Last Name or Original Script.
Common to checking First Name and Last Name or Name
- Middle Name is optional
- Gender is optional. The valid values are Male or Female.
- Date of Birth is optional. The valid format is DD/MM/YYYY or YYYY
- Country is optional.
The order of the fields in your batch file is important. You can leave optional fields blank but you still need to include the commas to demarcate the blank fields.